Everything you need to know about skin cancer

1. Is sun exposure the main cause of skin cancer?Mutations will inevitably be induced by UV radiation, and a proportion of them will start the long winding path towards skin cancer.2. What are the three mainforms of skin cancer?Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Melanoma3. What are the Early warning signs (ABCD’S)?• A - Assymmetry (common moles are round and symmetrical)• B - Border (skin cancers may have uneven borders)• C - Color (watch for varied shades of brown, tan or black and also red, white and blue)• D - Diameter (if a spot is larger than a pencil eraser (6mm or 1/4” diameter) it could be trouble4. What do skin cancers look like?Skin cancer takes many forms. Anything that changes, grows or fits any of the ABCD’s should be taken seriously. Anything suspicious should be examined by a doctor.5. How can I tell if skin cancer is developing?There can be many signs including: a change in a mole, a sore that does not heal, a skin growth that increases in size and a spot that continues to itch, hurt, scab.6. How do I perform a total body skin examination?Check your body throroughly at least every three months. Look for any changes. See a doctor right away if you notice anything suspicious!7. Who is most at risk?People who always burn, never tan, and are fair with red or blonde hair, green or blue eyes and freckles have a greater chance fo developing skin cancer.8. Do sunscreens prevent skin cancer?Studies have shown that sunscreen use can prevent skin cancer.9. How should I use sunscreen?Apply in advance. Apply enough. Reapply frequently. Use broad-spectrum products with a high SPF. Don’t rely on sunscreen alone!10. What does SPF mean?Sun Protection Factor (SPF) measures the length of time a product protects against skin reddening from UVB, compared to how long the skin takes to redden without protection.11. Can children get skin cancer?Skin cancer is uncommon in children. However, damage that later results in skin cancer is accumulated in childhood.12. Are sunscreens suitable for infants and children?Sunscreens may be used on babies starting at six months of age. But applying a sunscreen should not be an excuse for keeping a child out in the sun too long.13. At what time of day is the sun most dangerous?The sun is most dangerous between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.14. Does clothing provide good sun protection?Dressing for sun protection is still one of the best ways to reduce your risk of skin cancer. Look for a tight weave, loose fit, and darker colors for more protection.15. Why are sunglasses important?UV absorption by the eye and surrounding tissues is an important factor in causing both benign and malignant growths on the eyelid skin and on the surface of the eye.16. Does skin cancer run in families?Heredity plays a major role in melanoma risk. About one of every ten patients diagnosed has a family member with a history of the disease.17. Are tanning parlors safer than the sun?Exposure to the radiation of a tanning booth may be more risky than exposure to the sun.18. What are “UVB” and “UVA”?UVA - Long wave solar rays of 320 - 400 nanometers; UVB - Short-wave solar rays of 290 - 320 nanometers (see Sun & Skin News Vol. 15 No. 1).19. Will sun exposure also make me look older than I really am?Yes. Sun effects can be seen by comparing the skin on the face and backs of the hands with the skin on a part of the body that is seldom exposed, such as under the arms.20. How is skin cancer diagnosed?Every diagnosis begins with a thorough examination of the skin growth or lesion under a bright light. A biopsy may be taken. This is the most accurate diagnostic test.21. Can skin cancer be cured?Almost all skin cancer that is diagnosed early and treated promptly and appropriately can be cured.22. How is skin cancer treated?Skin Cancer may be removed by one of several methods including excisional surgery, curettage- electrodesiccation, cryosurgery, radiation therapy, topical chemotherapy, or by Mohs micrographic surgery.23. Can skin cancer recur?Yes, so regular follow-up and self-examination is extremely important!