A Healthy You: How to Put the Blue into your Red, White, and Blue Fourth of July


Cindy Gates newBy Cindy Gates

Guest Column Written By: Amanda Chicoine, Dietetic Intern

You may or may not be aware of the ongoing attempt to make Sioux City a Blue Zones community. This means the city would meet certain certifications for promoting healthier lives; for example, improving bike lanes for safer and more direct routes and making healthy food more affordable and accessible than fast food.

In this type of community, the healthiest choices are also the easiest choices. People in these communities live longer and healthier lives. Blue Zones communities are based on studies of places with high concentrations of centenarians. These people have the following nine traits in common:

  1. Move naturally –parking farther away at the store, taking the stairs, gardening, etc.

  2. Know your purpose – why do you wake up in the morning, values, talents, etc.

  3. Down shift – take time to shed stress and just relax

  4. 80% rule – stop eating when you are 80% full

  5. Plant slant – try to make fruits, vegetables, and whole grains the majority of your diet

  6. Wine @ five – a glass of wine with your meal can help reduce the risk of heart disease

  7. Right tribe – create a social circle; smoking, obesity, happiness, and loneliness are contagious – so choose your friends wisely

  8. Community –belong to a faith-based community; does not matter what religion, just to feel part of a larger group

  9. Loved ones first – family comes first

As you spend this Fourth of July with family and friends, try adapting a few of these nine traits into your life. Perhaps, you could practice the 80% rule during mealtimes and try to “plant slant” your menus by incorporating as many fruits and vegetables as possible.

You could focus on your “right tribe” as you gather with loved ones and think about putting them first. You could also try to take time to “down shift” during the busy holiday.

Incorporating these nine traits into your life will help you develop a healthier and happier lifestyle. Together, we can make Sioux City a Blue Zones community.

Becoming a Blue Zones Community requires:

-At least 20% of citizens sign the Personal Pledge and complete on action

-At least 25% of public schools become a Blue Zones School

-At least 50% of the 20 top community-identified employers become a Blue Zones Worksite

-At least 25% of independently or locally owned restaurants become a Blue Zones Restaurant

-At least 25% of grocery stores become a Blue Zones Grocery Store

-Completion of the Blue Zones Community Policy Pledge

bluezonestaffA Healthy You is a regular column about nutrition, healthy living and cancer care. It is written by Cindy Gates, RD and LD and the Cancer Center’s Oncology dietitian, herbalist and Certified Wellness Coach.