A Healthy You: 10 Tips to Prevent Breast Cancer

Nylen - A Healthy You - OctoberCindy Gates new

Cindy Gates RD, LD, CWC, CLT

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Many simple and easy tips can help prevent breast cancer and its recurrence.

1) Maintain a healthy body weight throughout your life. Weight gain in midlife has been shown to increase breast cancer risk.

2) Minimize or avoid alcohol. Alcohol use is a well established risk factor. If you choose to drink at all, limit to 5oz of red wine per day.

3) Consume as many fruits and veggies as possible. Aim for at least 5 and even more is better. The superstars are broccoli, cabbage, kale and raspberries.

4) Exercise regularly the rest of your life. Aim for 30 min most days of the week.

5) Eat the rights fats. Minimize trans and saturated fats. Increase your omega 3's from salmon, tuna and fish oil pills. Consume monounsaturated fats from nuts, seeds and avocados. Extra virgin olive oil is one of the better oils to use.

6) Eat the right carbs. Avoid the Great White Hazards such as white flour, sugar, white potatoes etc since these are high glycemic index foods. Choose beans, seeds, nuts and whole grains to increase fiber.

7) Consume whole soy products. Eat such as miso, tempeh, and tofu and avoid processed soy products.

8) Buy organic if you can. Organic fruits and veggies will help reduce your exposure to chemicals and even more importantly, buy organic meat and milk so will avoid hormones and antibiotics.

9) Get your Vitamin D level tested. It's a simple blood test that your doctor can order for you.

10) Maintain a positive outlook on life. The mind -body have powerful effects on your health.

A Healthy You is a regular column about nutrition, healthy living and cancer care. It is written by Cindy Gates, RD and LD and the Cancer Center’s Oncology dietitian, herbalist and Certified Wellness Coach.