March 24th Community Skin Cancer Screening Being Postponed

In order to protect their health care providers and staff as well as the patients they serve, the June E. Nylen Cancer Center (JENCC), Midlands Clinic and Tri-State Specialists have decided to postpone the free skin cancer screening that was scheduled for Tuesday, March 24. They are waiting to set the new date until it is determined the worst with the COVID-19 virus and other seasonal illnesses are past.

“We are taking precautions to provide the safest environment possible for everyone,” says Krista McCullough, Executive Director of JENCC. The CDC has recommended avoiding large crowds and limiting contact with people as much as possible. It is also known those most at risk for respiratory illnesses are the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. “Our patients at the June E. Nylen Cancer Center do have vulnerable immune systems and are at higher risk to contract more illnesses. It is in the best interest and safety of our patients to not bring a large crowd together into our cancer center,” McCullough adds. “We also want to be vigilant in protecting the health care providers and staff that were going to volunteer at the screening.”

McCullough stresses JENCC, Midlands Clinic and Tri-State Specialists are committed to their efforts around early detection and understands many people were going to take advantage of the free skin cancer screening. “While we will reschedule this screening in the future, anyone that had a spot or skin concerns should not wait. Please contact Midlands Clinic, Tri-State Specialists or your family medicine physician right away to have it checked out.”

The leadership at the June E. Nylen Cancer Center continue to monitor the COVID-19 outbreak, educate their staff and patients from reliable sources like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) and are doing their best to prevent the spread of any possible illnesses within their facility.

“We know many of our patients need daily or timely treatment, but we are asking our patients if they have any symptoms to call ahead so we can further evaluate and determine a course of action,” states McCullough. “Our patients many times need a family member or support person for transportation, but we have asked if companions are not feeling well to refrain from coming. We are doing our best to protect our patients and staff and appreciate everyone’s cooperation.”

Those interested in the future rescheduled skin cancer screening date should watch the websites and social media of the three hosting organizations. For persons who need to see a dermatologist more urgently, they can call Midlands Clinic at (605) 217-5500 or Tri-State Specialists at (712) 224-8677.

GeneralChristie Finnegan