A Healthy You: Best Foods for Prostate Health

Happy Movember.

Movember is an awareness campaign during November for men’s health issues such as prostate cancer. Movember encourages men to grow mustaches, and to be aware of family history and to adapt a more healthy lifestyle.

It is no secret that eating healthy is key to reducing your chance for cancer and cancer recurrence. Dietitians have recommended increasing your whole grains, fruits and veggies but what food groups help reduce prostate cancer risks?

Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene. Lycopene is a natural chemical found in plants that is known for its potential to decrease prostate cancer. Lycopene may help fight damage that could possible lead to prostate cancer. Watermelons also are a great source of lycopene.

Soybean products are famous for fighting prostate cancer. Soy is a great source of isoflavones which are plant estrogens they may lower testosterone levels that lead to prostate cancer. Soy may also reduce your risk of heart disease.

Beans are a great source of protein, making them a healthy alternative to red meat. Beans also are a source of flavonols which may help red blood cells remove free radicals from the body.

Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, kale and cauliflower are great cancer fighters. They are rich sources of vitamin C and A, fiber and folate. These veggies boost the immune system and help the body fight prostate cancer.

Sweet potatoes are a great source of the cancer-fighting Vitamin A. Vitamin A helps to prevent cell damage that can lead to prostate cancer. Sweet potatoes also help strength the immune system.

Garlic is one of the toughest foods around when it comes to fighting prostate cancer. It has antibacterial properties that block cancer cells from forming. Garlic also helps repair DNA, which slows the growth of cancer cells.

Green tea may help prevent prostate cancer by either stopping damaged cells from multiplying or killing them completely. Green tea has EGCG, the most studied antioxidant that fights the abnormal cells that may lead to cancer.

Selenium is abundant in gluthathione, an antioxidant that is being heavily researched for its role in prostate health. Selenium rich foods include Brazil nuts, garlic and shellfish.

So how about a nice cup of green tea with a bowl of chili!