More Iowans are surviving cancer than ever before, but this population has unique needs that require specialized support from health care providers, communities, and caregivers, according to the 2025 Cancer in Iowa report issued by the Iowa Cancer Registry.
Read MoreWe are excited to announce our 4th annual Rock the Cure event on April 5 presented by Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Sioux City and Klinger Companies, Inc.. Tickets are now on sale for this benefit concert featuring Above the Covers, Northwest Iowa's premier cover band whose high energy will be sure to have you dancing, singing, and rocking out like nobody is watching!
Read More“We are a state-of-the-art Cancer Center that can provide the very best care here, so patients do not have to travel outside of this region,” says Dr. Lisa Chaiken, Radiation Oncologist at the June E. Nylen Cancer Center (JENCC). The oncologists and leadership are committed to ensuring Siouxland has access to the most advanced cancer diagnosis and treatment options and have now started using a new and very targeted therapy option for recurrent prostate cancer.
Read MoreThe providers and staff at the June E. Nylen Cancer Center (JENCC) are proud to offer comprehensive cancer care to the Siouxland region. We are working tirelessly to strengthen and expand our services to ensure we are offering the most advanced cancer diagnosis and treatment options locally.
Read More“I have had a lot of mountains in my life to get to where I am,” says Ashley Patten of Anthon, Iowa. “I didn’t think I could handle more, but I learned I could. Cancer was just another mountain for me to climb. I love my job, the people who have helped me along the way, and I was going to do whatever it took to fly again.”
Read MoreTo alleviate some of the pressure points caused by one of our greatest challenges over the last couple of years of recruiting oncologists, we partnered with Eagle Telemedicine back in July and started utilizing their tele-oncology service to provide our Cancer Center’s inpatient hospital medical oncologist coverage and our 24/7 call.
Read MoreThank you to Council Oak Supply and many other generous supporters for raising $12,425 at the Tie A Ribbon – Coffee and Cocktails for Cancer event on October 30. The proceeds will go to our Patient Assistance Program.
Read MoreCouncil Oak Supply wants to raise awareness about breast cancer and support local cancer patients in need. Get your tickets now for Tie A Ribbon on Wednesday, October 30 from 6:30-8:30pm at their location at 101 W 3rd Street in Sioux City featuring an expresso bar, cocktails, delicious appetizers and desserts, as well as fabulous silent auction items.
Read MoreBe sure to hit your brakes and stop by the downtown Walgreen's parking lot between 6:30 and 8:30 a.m. on Friday, October 11 for a free breakfast burrito and life-saving information.
Read MoreThe sold-out 25th Annual Pink Ribbon Golf Classic on September 6 raised a record net amount of $41,089 to help with the costs of renovating and expanding the chemotherapy infusion prep area and medically integrated dispensary at the June E. Nylen Cancer Center.
Read MoreJuly 28, 2023 was supposed to be the day that 39-year-old Amber Grage of Sioux City had her hysterectomy but instead, she woke up from the anesthesia being told by her OBGYN, Dr. Kevin Hamburger from Siouxland Women’s Health Care, that he did not complete the surgery because he found cancer.
Read MoreJackie Meis has earned her Advanced Oncology Certified Nurse Practitioner (AOCNP) certification from the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC), recognizing her specialty knowledge and advanced practice in oncology nursing. This is an optional certification requiring a high number of practice hours, self-study and continuing educational hours, as well as a vigorous written exam.
Read MoreWe are excited and thankful to have been selected to be this year's recipient of the annual Bike Sux's proceeds. Bike Sux is a community fundraiser bike ride for all levels of riders. We would love to have you sponsor or participate in this event on Saturday, June 1. Come on out and join in bicyclists battling against cancer.
Read MoreThe 25th Annual Pink Ribbon Golf Classic is scheduled for Friday, September 6 at the Whispering Creek Golf Course in Sioux City. The Committee is rolling out the pink carpet to celebrate… the Pink Ribbon Golf Classic has raised nearly $650,000 to benefit the June E. Nylen Cancer Center throughout its history. We are accepting sponsorships now and team registrations will open June 15th! Be sure to sign up quickly - Pink Ribbon Golf Classic has sold out the last few years!
Read More“I will never forget April 26, 2021 – the day I was told I had cancer,” Jami says. After she heard those words, she explained the rest of the appointment was like the voices of Charlie Brown’s teacher, just garble and not making sense.
Read MoreThe June E. Nylen Cancer Center is committed to doing all we can to provide advanced, comprehensive cancer care to Siouxland and Rock the Cure helped us do that.
Read MoreThe Iowa Cancer Consortium launched a new resource for cancer patients, caregivers, and providers to find available clinical trials in Iowa. The new Cancer Clinical Trials in Iowa webpage has been a collaborative effort and we hope cancer centers, patient navigators, cancer survivors, and families will find it a helpful "one stop shop" to easily access treatment options.
Read MoreWe are excited to announce Rock the Cure 2024 presented by Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Sioux City and Klinger Companies on April 6. This year’s benefit concert features Jumping Jack Flash, THE Tribute to The Rolling Stones.
Read MoreDan Pruitt went to his annual check-up with his doctor. He felt fine. So he was very surprised when he was told his PSA level was elevated and he needed to go see a urologist. Dan shares his personal journey of learning he has prostate cancer and his experiences through surgery and further treatment.
Read MoreThe American Cancer Society (ACS) released its annual report today and four "screenable" cancers are on the rise in certain populations - breast, prostate, colorectal, and cervical cancers.
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