You will be billed on a monthly basis for the cost of your care. You can pay your bill in a variety of ways: 

Pay over the phone

Call our billing department at (712) 252-9344. Our business hours are Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Pay by mail

Make your checks payable to the June E. Nylen Cancer Center and mail to:

230 Nebraska Street
Sioux City, IA 51101

Pay online

Pay directly through our website’s secure payment portal. You can Guest Pay or Register for an Account.

Please note there are third-party vendors who also allow you to pay your June E. Nylen Cancer Center bill on their sites but they may charge you additional fees. There are no additional fees when you pay directly through our website’s payment portal.

Pay through an extended payment plan

Together with Commerce Bank, we offer patients and families a line of credit for an interest-free payment plan when needing longer than six months to help pay outstanding medical balances. This Health Services Financing (HSF®) works just like a loan with monthly payments and patients and families can be eligible regardless of whether you have insurance and without requiring a credit check.

  • Monthly payment at 0% APR

  • 24, 36, 48 or 60-month terms available

  • No set-up fee

  • No charges or penalties for early payoffs

  • Simple terms

Call (712) 252-9347 to sign up today or self-enroll online.

If you have concerns about paying your bill, our financial navigator can help you find financial assistance programs available to you.

Contact our financial navigator at:

Phone: (712) 252-9352