A Healthy You: Grocery Shopping for Cancer Fighters

Every week when you shop at the grocery store, you have important choices to make. While taste, calories and cost are important considerations, do you consider what foods are the best cancer fighters?

Dr. Oz showcased cancer fighting foods on his show. There are many foods at the grocery store that will help prevent cancer or help your body fight if you have cancer. Some foods suggested by Dr Oz:

  • Arugula is a leafy green and we all know by now that leafy greens are good for us. Arugula can be used as a salad or cooked. Baby arugula is very sweet and nutty tasting.
  • Bananas are the original fast food and a great cancer fighter. It is easy to have a banana every day to start it off right.
  • Citrus fruits are a great source of vitamin C. The best part of the citrus fruit is the peel. A great tool is a zester, so try adding zest to your tea, salads, and entrees.
  • Olive oil is considered to be liquid gold in many parts of the world. Store your olive oil in a dark container because over time, light degrades the oil and lowers its cancer fighting qualities.

So next time you fill up your grocery cart, think how what you put in it can change your life. A Healthy You is a regular column about nutrition, healthy living and cancer care. It is written by Cindy Gates, RD and LD and the Cancer Center’s Oncology dietitian, herbalist and Certified Wellness Coach.