A Healthy You: Tis the Season to Eat Healthy
Eating healthy during the holidays takes a little work, but it's not impossible. Here are seven ways to help you survive the next month of office parties, family gatherings and seasonal snacking.
Make exercise a priority. Exercise helps prevent holiday weight gain. It is also the perfect solution for holiday stress. When you are stressed, you may be more tempted to reach for high sugar and high fat convenience items.As always - eat lots of fruits and veggies. They help fill you up due to their fiber content, but are usually low in calories. Be the good healthy role model and take fruits and veggies to your next holiday party.Get your beauty rest. New studies show that sleep deprivation enhances your appetite and increases cravings for sweets and carbs. Strive for at least 7 hours a night. The more rested you are, the more likely you will have the energy to go exercise, which will give you more energy.Avoid common foods that are high in calories and low in nutrients such as white potatoes and white bread. Instead enjoy sweet potatoes and whole grain products. Again, be the role model and bring a quinoa salad or whole grain buns to the next holiday party.Don’t let yourself get too hungry. Do not skip meals to save up for the holiday feast. Always eat a breakfast with a protein source and a good source of fiber. Have a snack of a piece of fresh fruit or and some veggies with hummus dip before you go to the party.Eat mindfully. Every day we make about 200 food choices, so let those choices be your Grandma's special cookies and not your kids' leftover French fries.Rethink your drink. Liquid calories do not satisfy hunger, and sugary drinks such as eggnog and cocoa increase blood sugar swings that make you even hungrier. Try a cup of hot tea instead.Have a happy and healthy holiday season.A Healthy You is a regular column about nutrition, healthy living and cancer care. It is written by Cindy Gates, RD and LD and the Cancer Center’s Oncology dietitian, herbalist and Certified Wellness Coach.Photo courtesy of Flickr.