Honor Those Touched By Cancer By Adding Personalized Brick To Our Entrance
Update: The last day to donate for a personalized brick was October 29, 2021.
The June E. Nylen Cancer Center redid their landscaping just out front of the main entrance at the end of the covered drop-off to increase visibility. This gave us an opportunity to incorporate a brick paver path and this gives you the opportunity to pay tribute to those who are battling cancer, those who have overcome cancer, and to honor those who valiantly fought it. It’s also an opportunity to recognize the caregivers whose lives have also been touched by cancer.
Add a Name on a Brick in Honor Of or In Memory Of Loved Ones Affected by Cancer:
Donations will cover the cost of the landscaping project and extra proceeds will go towards purchasing a new PET Scanner that we will be upgrading in 2022. State-of-the art imaging technology including the positron emission tomography (PET) is an important tool in the diagnosis and staging of cancer, including re-staging throughout treatment.
The bricks are available for a $200 donation each.
As a nonprofit organization, your donation will be tax deductible as provided by law.
All the bricks are the same 4" x 8" size. There is a maximum of 3 lines with 15 characters on each line allowed.
Now that the brick paver path is installed, future purchased bricks will be engraved when a set number of orders are received or within about a 6-to-8-week time period from May-October. During cold weather months, we will have to hold the brick orders until they can be done again.
Donate and Order Your Personalized Engraved Brick:
Download the order form to mail in with your donation HERE.
Or order and donate online through PayPal, debit, or credit card HERE.
We Are Grateful for Your Support:
For more information about this commemorative brick path project, please contact: Christie Finnegan, Marketing and Fund Development Manager, at (712) 252-9444 or finneganc@jencc.com.
Each Brick Has a Story to Tell:
Honor • Remember • Pay Tribute • Celebrate • Survivor
Share the Spirit of Hope • Reflect on Journey of Healing
Acknowledge Your Personal Commitment to Cancer