Cancer Survivor's Day to take in Bandits game

This year marks the 17th annual National Cancer Survivors Day (NCSD) celebration sponsored locally by the June E. Nylen Cancer Center, and this year we're putting a pigskin twist on the annual event.In Sioux City, we’re inviting survivors to a Sioux City Bandits game, complete with a tailgate party on June 23.The purpose of this annual event is to honor survivors for their strength and courage and recognize the contributions of their families, friends and healthcare providers. NCSD is the world’s largest and fastest growing cancer survivor celebration, celebrating 25 years nationally. It will be held along with more than 700 other celebrations across the nation.Survivors will enjoy a tailgate party, game ticket and T-shirt. Any cancer survivor may attend the event free of charge. The cancer survivors’ guest can attend for $15 per person, which covers the cost of a meal and a game ticket.And of course, you'll be joined by others who have beat or are battling cancer, and those who love them for a night of fun and fellowship.We are sorry, registration for this event is now closed.  Please be sure to join us next year for this fun filled event!