Fighting cancer with laughs at Comedy fund-raiser
They say that laughter is the best medicine.If that’s the case, there will be a whole lot of healing going on at the 3rd Annual Cancer Sucks! Comedy Rocks! event, set for April 12.That is the hope of organizer and comedian John Olson, who started the event in 2011 in order to get some healing of his own.“Cancer Sucks! Comedy Rocks! began as a way to help with the grieving process over the loss of my dad. We were really close and it really messed me up that another loved one was taken from cancer. I’ve had so many,” Olson said. “The first show took place just a few months after his passing on June 23, 2011, and we raised a good portion of money in a short time.”It was then that Olson knew that he could make a difference, and decided to make Cancer Sucks! Comedy Rocks! an annual event in honor of his dad, Kenneth L. Olson. His goal has been to get bigger and better every year.That first year, the event was a party at the Chesterfield and raised $1,200; last year it was a larger event held at the Sioux City Hotel, and raised more than $4,100. All of the money raised goes to benefit the Cancer Center and its patients.Olson’s experience with the Cancer Center inspired him to help others receive the same great services.
“The June E. Nylen Cancer Center is chock full of good, caring people,” Olson said. “We put on this show to help people. Cancer Sucks! Comedy Rocks! helps provide cancer screenings for those who can’t afford it.”This year will feature comedians Pat McGann, Don Reese and Olson himself.McGann is a Chicago comedian who left a sales career in 2007 and was soon chosen to be House MC at Zanies Comedy Club. In 2010, he created and hosted the Emmy nominated television show “The Chicago Stand Up Project.”He now performs nationally for corporate events and at comedy clubs. In Jaunary, he made his network television debut on The Late Show with David Letterman.