New Survey: Many Americans Unaware Activity, Weight Affects Cancer Risk

Cindy Gates new

By Cindy Gates

I wanted to share this interesting survey that I read, regarding how Americans view the effect of body weight and exercise on cancer risks. Here is a brief summary, followed by a link to read the rest of it.Fewer than half of Americans are aware that body weight affects people’s risk of getting cancer and barely a third know that physical activity reduces the risk of cancer, according to a new AICR survey released yesterday.The survey was released on World Cancer Day and in Cancer Prevention month, occasions that work at dispelling cancer myths and improving general knowledge. The online survey reveals that many Americans still remain unaware there research shows everyday healthy habits can reduce cancer risk.The AICR Cancer Risk Awareness Survey asked respondents to agree or disagree to several statements about cancer risk.This article appears in the February 5, 2014 issue of AICR's Cancer Research Update. To read about their findings, please click here to be directed to their website.