Quilting Bee Events raises $10,835.17 & Donates to the Cancer Center's Patient Assistance Fund

Quilting BeeThe 2nd annual Quiltin’ Bee was held in February at the Moville Community Center. This year a larger venue was needed because of the popularity of this event, with 124 quilters present, up 70 from last year.They raised $10,835.17 in one day with proceeds donated to the June E. Nylen Cancer Center Patient Assistance Program.Besides a fun day of quilting, fellowship, and eating, there was a Quilt Rummage Sale, a Silent Auction and a Small Quilt Auction.  The quilters enjoyed four demos throughout the day and received kits to make their own projects.   In addition, everyone was encouraged to make a Star of Hope block. Each quilter had to provide one fabric from her stash.  These blocks were placed on a flannel board on the wall and each person put their name in a drawing.  The lucky winner will put the top together and will bring the finished quilt to next year's Bee to show everyone.