Addressing Financial Toxicity As A Part of Cancer Treatment

Your cancer diagnosis has quite literally turned your world upside down. Between treatments, scans, blood work and appointments, it’s hard enough to keep everything straight. You’re trying to keep working, to pay the rent or mortgage. Plus your insurance benefits are through your employer. You need your job. Now with your out-of-pocket expenses adding up, you just don’t know how you’ll be able to keep it all together.

In her role as social worker at the June E. Nylen Cancer Center (JENCC), Lori Glade, LMSW, has heard patients say, “I never imagined myself in this situation.” Cancer’s toll is difficult – physically, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically, and financially. There’s actually a term for this scenario – almost like a diagnosis: financial toxicity.

Learn more about about financial toxicity from our article in Siouxland Woman Magazine HERE.

Christie Finnegan