Cancer Center to Celebrate National Cancer Survivors Day

The June E. Nylen Cancer Center will host cancer survivors at a tailgate party and baseball game at the annual National Cancer Survivors Day Celebration on Tuesday, June 8 at 5:30 p.m. at the Explorers Ballpark.The event will feature Dwight Swenson, cancer survivor throwing out the first pitch, cancer survivor recognition ceremony, door prizes, dinner and the SC Explorers versus the Shreveport Captains.“Over eleven million Americans are cancer survivors, according to the National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation. In Siouxland there are thousands of survivors that we want to honor and celebrate,” says Tracy Shook, director of marketing.The baseball game and tailgate party is one of 800 annual events being held across the country to honor survivors for their strength and courage, and to recognize the contributions of their families, friends and healthcare providers.“For a growing number of our patients, cancer signals the beginning of renewed life and health,” says Shook “We are continually inspired by our patients who make an effort to learn more about their disease, actively participate in their care and live with spirit.”There is no charge for cancer survivors to attend the event. Guests of survivors pay $15.00 which includes the game,  dinner and a t-shirt. Pre-registration for all is required as well as pre-payment for guests. Please call Tracy Shook at 712.252.9426 for more information..