Heart-felt Advice Drove Couple to Give

Fred Rupp had never stepped foot in the June E. Nylen Cancer Center until he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in December 2008.When he finished his chemotherapy treatments, he walked out free of the disease, and with an urge to give back to those he had come to trust.“I felt like I got real advice from the heart,” Rupp said. “You had the feeling that they wanted to help you all they could. That includes all the people that I worked with there.”Rupp admits it wasn’t easy at first. “I didn’t know which way to turn and I’ve gone through a lot of heart problems these last many years. ... I was scared.” But through the course of his treatment, Rupp found peace, honesty and hope.In the end, his experience prompted Rupp and his wife, Joan, to give back to the Cancer Center. “I felt so good about everybody at the Cancer Center and that’s why I and my wife decided to make a donation. We felt good about making it to an organization that’s that helpful.”Like Rupp, many families find hope each day at the Cancer Center, and in turn pledge support to ensure thatJune E. Nylen’s future as a leading cancer-fighting institution is sound.How you can help: Find our more about donating to the June E. Nylen Cancer Center here.