Now is the time to decorate a Boxer or Bra

See photos from our 2009 event || See a video from our summer pre-party || Sign up for tickets or to make a bra or boxers Siouxlanders are invited to decorate boxers or a bra to encourage mammograms and colon screenings as part of the third annual “Boxers and Bras for a Cause”, sponsored by the June E. Nylen Cancer Center and the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Siouxland Affiliate.The decorated boxers and bras are displayed throughout Siouxland and are the focus in a runway show at a cocktail party which will be held Thursday, Oct. 21, from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the Sioux City Convention Center in Sioux City. The cocktail party will also feature all of the boxers and bras on display. Attendees will vote while enjoying fabulous food and drinks.“Boxers and Bras for A Cause is a bold way to draw attention to preventing breast and colon cancer”, said Tracy Feathers, director of marketing at the June E. Nylen Cancer Center. “One third of all cancers could be cured if detected early and treated adequately.”The Boxers and Bras for a Cause campaign is in its third year and its purpose is to educate and encourage women to get a mammogram at age 40 and both men and women to get a colonoscopy at age 50 unless they have other risk factors. Proceeds of the event go directly to June E. Nylen Cancer Center and the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Siouxland Affiliate to pay for screenings for the people of Siouxland.The deadline for entries is Oct. 14. To submit an entry or to purchase tickets for the event, go to or call Tracy Feathers at 712.252.9426. Check out last year’s runway show on YouTube. Join our Facebook page, of send us a tweet at more information call Tracy Feathers at 712.252.9426 or email