Take A Deep Breath
It takes the lives of nearly twice as many women as breast cancer. In fact, in takes the lives of more people than colon, prostate and breast cancer combined. It’s the leading cancer in Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota. As many as 20 percent of people who die from it in the United States every year have never smoked or used any other form of tobacco. Lung cancer – it can take your breath away.
Symptoms of lung cancer often don’t show up until the cancer has spread. Some of the symptoms are similar to those of other common illnesses and can be tempting to ignore. Because of the size of your lungs, tumors can grow for a while without causing symptoms. When symptoms do occur, they can vary depending on the type, location, and size of the tumor.During the month of November, in recognition of Lung Cancer AwarenessMonth, the June E. Nylen Cancer Center(JENCC) is offering a reduced rate on CT lung scans.“
Annual screening with low-dose computed tomography (CT) can find lung cancers in their earliest stage when the cancer is most easily treated,” states Krista McCullough, Executive Director at June E. Nylen CancerCenter. “A CT scan for lung cancer is a safe and non-invasive procedure with a minimal amount of radiation exposure.”
Some known factors that can increase your risk for lung cancer include smoking; secondhand smoke or passive smoking; familial disposition; exposure to asbestos; exposure to radon gas; prolonged exposure to air pollution from vehicles, industry, power plants, chemicals; and a history of other lung disease.
Helping to get this message out is the purpose of a special group of about a dozen local professionals. Acting as the eyes and ears for JENCC, these leaders form a representative cross section of our Siouxland region from nonprofit to for-profit, real estate to computers, and banking to healthcare. TheJENCC Community Ambassadors’ statement of purpose is, “With compassion, support and advocacy, the Community Ambassadors help champion the mission of the June E. Nylen Cancer Center.”
The Community Ambassadors have been around for over a decade. With a term limit of three years (two terms max), the group is kept fresh and engaged. By promoting wellness to their staff and others in the Siouxland area, JENCC’s reach is expanded. This November, they are shining the light on lung cancer screening and early detection.
Nicole Berner, U.S. Bank Market President, is the current Chair of the JENCC Community Ambassadors. “We meet quarterly and learn about the latest happenings at the JuneE. Nylen Cancer Center. For example, we recently learned about their new physicians,”she explains. “But it’s more than that. We also want to know how we can help with their mission. And we share with them what we are learning and hearing in the community."
Last year’s lung cancer screening was the first program the Ambassadors promoted, which resulted in an increased number of patients screened at JENCC during the month ofNovember. In the radiologist’s report for each patient, recommendations were provided for the appropriate follow up and repeat scanning if necessary. Positive and non-cancerous findings were reported and these patients and their physicians were notified of the results.“
What we hope will come out of this is that the community realizes that these resources are available to them, right here in Sioux City, at the June E. Nylen Cancer Center,” Nicole says. “If you have any of the risk factors, you should get screened.”
With compassionate and supportive advocates like the JENCC CommunityAmbassadors promoting and encouraging early detection of lung cancer, we can all be reminded of the importance of focusing on our own health and wellness. So, take a deep breath and call 712.252.9396 today to schedule your CT lung scan. It could save your life.
Visit nylencancercenter.com for coverage criteria and further information.Patients interested in the CT lung scan need a physician referral and should check with their health insurance company to determine coverage. The reduced rate at the June E. Nylen Cancer Center for November if self paying is $250.
June E. Nylen Cancer Center’s Community Ambassador Committee: (Some Pictured with Executive Director Krista McCullough) Jennifer Bass, Century 21 ProLink Nicole Berner, U. S. Bank Mary Dermitt, Sioux City Community Schools - Career Academy Stacy Harmelink, Midlands Clinic Erin Hoekstra, NAI United Penni Hunn, SCHEELS Megan Lueders, Great West Casualty Company April Mahr, Prime Bank Mortgage Beth Pruchniak, Sterling Computers Peggy Smith, Wells Enterprises Jim Wharton, Community Member